Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


Visit Knoxville
Address: 301 S. Gay Street Knoxville
Phone: 865.523.7263
Website: https://www.visitknoxville.com/
Business: Pretentious Glass & Beer Co.
Address: 133 S Central Street, Knoxville TN 37902
Phone: 865.249.8677
Website: https://pretentiousglassco.com/
Business: Club XYZ
Address: 1215 N. Central Street, Knoxville TN 37917
Phone: (865) 637-4999
Business: Bijou Theatre
Address: 803 S. Gay Street, Knoxville TN 37902
Phone: 865-522-0832
Website: https://knoxbijou.org
Business: South Press
Address: 3615 Chapman Highway, Knoxville, TN 37920
Phone: (865) 900-1144
Business: Oliver Hotel
Address: 407 Union Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37902
Phone: 865-521-0500
Website: www.theoliverhotel.com
Barrelhouse by Gypsy Circus
Address: 621 Lamar Street, Knoxville, TN 37917

Nashville Convention & Visitors Corp Address: 501 Broadway, Nashville (inside the arena tower) Phone Number: 800-657-6910 Website: visitmusiccity.com
Social Media: @visitmusiccity

Visit Austin Address: 602 E Fourth St., Austin, TX 78701 Phone Number: 866-462-8784 Website: www.visitaustin.org Social Media:
Business: Austin PRIDE
Address: PO Box 162924, Austin, TX 78716
Phone Number: n/a
Website: https://austinpride.org/
Business: Cheer Up Charlies
Address: 900 Red River St, Austin, TX 78701
Phone Number: (512) 431-2133
Business: The Little Gay Shop
Address: 828 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78702
Phone Number: (512) 669-5412
Business: Grizzelda’s
Address: 105 Tillery Street, Austin, TX 78702
Phone Number: (512) 366-5908
Business: Blanton Museum of Art
Address: 200 E. Martin Luther King Blvd., Austin, TX 78712
Phone Number: 512-471-5482
Business: Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Address: 201 W. 5th St., Suite 1100
Phone: 512-761-LGBT
Website: austinlgbtchamber.com

Destination: Visit Beaumont TX Address: 505 Willow St, Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone Number: (409) 880-3749
Website: visitbeaumonttx.com
Social Media:
Business: Vautrot’s – Monthly Drag Brunch Address: 13353 TX-105, Bevil Oaks, TX 77713 Phone Number: (409) 753-2015 Website: https://www.facebook.com/vautrots/ Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/vautrots/
Business: McFaddin-Ward House Address: 1906 Calder Ave, Beaumont, TX 77701 Phone Number: (409) 832-2134 Website: https://mcfaddin-ward.org/ Social Media:
Business: The Art Studio Inc. Address: 720 Franklin St, Beaumont, TX 77701 Phone Number: (409) 838-5393 Website: https://www.artstudio.org/ Social Media:
Business: Cattail Marsh Scenic Wetlands & Boardwalk Address: 4233 Babe Zaharias Dr, Beaumont, TX 77705 Phone Number: (409) 554-2447 Website: https://www.beaumontcvb.com/listing/cattail-marsh-scenic-wetlands-%26-boardwalk/7/ Social Media:
Business: Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown Museum Address: 5550 Jimmy Simmons Blvd, Beaumont, TX 77705 Phone Number: (409) 880-1750 Website: https://www.lamar.edu/spindletop-gladys-city/index.html Social Media:

Destination: Visit Dallas
Address: 1807 Ross Avenue, Suite 450, Dallas, Texas
Phone Number: 214-571-1000
Website: https://www.visitdallas.com
Social Media:
Business: North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce
Address: 3824 Cedar Springs Road Dallas Texas 75219
Phone Number: 214-821-4528
Website: www.lgbtchamber.com
Business: The Dallas Voice
Address: 1825 Market Center Blvd, Ste 240, Dallas, TX, 75207
Phone Number: 214-754-8710
Website: https://dallasvoice.com
Social Media:
Business: The Rose Room
Address: 3911 Cedar Springs Rd. Dallas, TX 75219
Phone Number: 214-526-7171
Website: https://www.roseroomdallas.com
Social Media:
Business: Sue Ellen’s Dallas
Address: 3014 Throckmorton St. Dallas, TX 75219
Phone Number: 214-559-0707
Website: https://sueellensdallas.com
Social Media:
Business: The Round-Up Saloon
Address: 3912 Cedar Springs Road Dallas, TX 75219
Phone Number: 214-522-9611
Website: https://roundupsaloon.com
Social Media:

Visit Galveston Address: 601 Tremont Street, Suite 200 Phone Number: 409.797.5144 Website: www.visitgalveston.com
Social Media:
Business: Rumors Bar & Grill
Address: 3102 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77550
Website: http://rumorsbars.com/
Business: 23rd Street Station Piano Bar
Address: 1706 23rd St., Galveston, TX 77550
Website: https://23rdstreetstation.com/
Business: Robert’s Lafitte
Address: 2501 Avenue Q, Galveston, TX 77550
Website: https://robertslafitte.weebly.com/
Business: The Grand 1894 Opera House
Address: 2020 Postoffice St., Galveston, TX 77550
Website: http://www.thegrand.com/

Visit Irving
Address: 500 W. Las Colinas Blvd, Irving, Tx 75039
Phone Number: 800.2.IRVING
Website: https://www.irvingtexas.com/
Social Media:
Business: The Westin Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas
Address: 400 W. Las Colinas Blvd. Irving, TX 75039
Phone: 972.505.2900
Business: Mesa Mezcal
Address: 400 W. Las Colinas Blvd., Irving, TX 75039
Phone: 469.472.0700
Website: https://www.mesamezcal.com/
Business: Ritz-Carlton Dallas, Las Colinas
Address: 4150 N MacArthur Blvd, Irving, TX 75038
Business: Gondola Adventures
Address: 357 West Fork, Irving, TX 75039
Phone: 855.466.3652
Website: https://irving.gondola.com/
Business: Rayleigh Underground
Address: 316 Las Colinas Blvd W, Suite 100 Irving, TX 75039
Phone: 469.960.6878
Website: https://www.rayleighunderground.com/

Visit Palestine, Texas
Address: 825 W Spring Street Palestine, Tx 75801
Phone Number: 800-659-3484
Website: www.visitpalestine.com
Social Media:
Business: Pint & Barrel Drafthouse
Address: 302 E Crawford St
Phone Number: 903-727-2711
Website: http://www.pintandbarrel.com/
Social Media:
Instagram: @pintandbarrel302,
Facebook: @pintandbarreldrafthouse
Business: Tahwahkaro Distilling Co
Address: 100 N Church St
Phone Number: 903-231-5464
Website: www.tahwahkaro.com
Social Media:
Instagram: @tahwahkaro
Facebook: @tahwahkaro
Business: Old Town Palestine
Address: 302-310 E Crawford Street
Phone Number:
Website: www.visitpalestine.com/oldtown
Social Media:
Instagram: @oldtownpalestinetx
Destination: Davey Dogwood Park
Address: 4207 N Link St Palestine, Texas 75801
Phone Number: 903-723-3014
Website: www.visitpalestine.com
Destination/Business: Texas State Railroad
Address: 789 Park Road 70 Palestine, Texas 75801
Phone Number: 855-632-7729
Website: www.texasstaterailroad.net
Social Media:
Instagram: @texasstaterail
Facebook: @texasstaterail

Visit Plano
Address: 7600 Windrose Ave., Ste. G110, Plano, Texas 75024
Phone Number: 1-800-81-PLANO
Website: visitplano.com
Social Media:
Business: Legacy Hall
7800 Windrose Ave., Plano, TX 75024

Visit San Antonio
Address: 110 Losoya St. San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone: 210-244-2000
Website: www.visitsanantonio.com
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visitsanantonio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visitsanantonio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/visitsanantonio
Business: Hopscotch
Address:711 Navarro St Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone Number: (210) 960-2064
Website: https://www.letshopscotch.com/
Social Media:
Business: Elsewhere Garden Bar and Kitchen
Address:103 E Jones Ave, San Antonio, TX 78215
Phone Number: (210) 201-5595
Website: https://www.elsewheretexas.com/
Social Media:
Business: Paramour Bar
Address:102 9th St Floor 4, San Antonio, TX 78215
Phone Number: (210) 340-9880
Website: https://paramourbar.com/
Social Media:
Business: The Bonham Exchange
Address: 411 Bonham, San Antonio, TX 78205
Phone Number: (210) 224-9219
Website: https://www.bonhamexchange.com/
Social Media:
Business: Esquire Tavern
Phone Number: (210) 222-2521
Social Media:

Visit Park City Address: 1794 Olympic Parkway, Park City, UT 84098 Phone Number: (435) 658-9602 Website: visitparkcity.com Social Media: @visitparkcity

Salt Lake City Address: 90 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
Phone Number: 801-534-4900 Website: https://www.visitsaltlake.com/
Social Media:
Business: Utah LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce
Address: PO Box 520394, Salt Lake City, UT 84120
Phone: 801-441-0517
Website: utahlgbtqchamber.org

Visit Harrisonburg (Visitor Center which includes the Valley Turnpike Museum, Civil War Orientation Center and Rocktown Gift Shop.) Address: 212 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone Number: (540)432-8935 Website: VisitHarrisonburgVA.com
Social Media:

Visit Loudoun – DC’s Wine Country Address: 112 South Street, SE Suite 200, Leesburg, Virginia 20175 Phone Number: 703-771-2170 Website: www.visitloudoun.org Social Media:
Business: Catoctin Creek Distilling Company Address: 120 W Main St, Purcellville, VA Phone Number: (540) 751-8404 Website: http://catoctincreekdistilling.com/ Social Media: @catoctincreek
Business: Crooked Run Fermentation Address: 22455 Davis Dr Suite 120, Sterling, VA Phone Number: (571) 375-2652 Website: http://www.crookedrunfermentation.com/ Social Media: @crookedrunfermentation
Business: SideBar
Address: 24 S King St, Leesburg, VA Phone Number: (571) 510-3289 Website: https://www.sidebarlbg.com/ Social Media: @sidebarlbg
Business: Two Twisted Posts Winery
Address: 12944 Harpers Ferry Rd, Purcellville, VA Phone Number: (540) 668-6540 Website: http://www.twotwistedposts.com/ Social Media: @ttpwinery
Business: Salamander Resort & Spa
Address: 500 N Pendleton St, Middleburg, VA
Phone Number: (540) 751-3160
Website: http://www.salamanderresort.com Social Media: @salamanderresort
Business: Equality Loudoun / Loudoun Pride
Address: PO Box 4214, Leesburg, VA 20176
Phone: (703) 646-1347
Website: https://www.eqloco.com/pride
Email Contact@Eqloco.com

Destination: Visit Richmond VA/OutRVA Address: 401 N. 3rd Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: 804.782.2777 Website: http://outrva.com, or
Social Media:
http://instagram.com/outrva Business: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Address: 200 N. Arthur Ashe Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23220 Phone Number: 804.340.1405 Website: https://www.vmfa.museum Social Media:
https://www.instagram.com/vmfamuseum/ Business: The Valentine Address: 1015 E. Clay St, Richmond, VA 23219 Phone Number: 804.649.0711 Website: https://thevalentine.org Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/thevalentinerva Business: Richmond Triangle Players Address: 1300 Altamont Avenue, Richmond, VA Phone Number: 804.346.8113 Website: https://rtriangle.org/ Social Media:
https://www.instagram.com/richmond.triangle.players/ Business: Linden Row Inn Address: 100 E. Franklin St, Richmond, VA 23219 Phone Number: 804.783.7000 Website: https://www.lindenrowinn.com/ Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/lindenrow Business: Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Address: 1800 Lakeside Ave, Henrico, VA 23228 Phone Number: 804.262.9887 Website: https://www.lewisginter.org/ Social Media:

Virginia Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau Address:2101 Parks Avenue Suite 500 Virginia Beach, Va 23451 Phone Number: (757) 385-4700 Website: https://www.visitvirginiabeach.com Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VisitVaBeach/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vbcvb
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/visitvabeach
Business: Hampton Roads Pridefest
Website: https://hamptonroadspride.org/
Business: Virginia Beach ViBe Creative District
Website: https://vibecreativedistrict.org/
Business: Crocs’ 19th Street Bistro
Website: https://crocs19thstreetbistro.com/
Business: Rainbow Cactus Company Night Club
Website: https://therainbowcactus.gay/
Business: Town Center Downtown District
Website: https://towncentervb.com/

Visit Bellingham - Bellingham Whatcom County Tourism
Address: 904 Potter Street, Bellingham, WA 98229
Phone: 360.671.3990 ext 203
Website: bellingham.org
Business: WinkWink
Business: El Suenito
Business: SeaFeast
Business: The Foxhole
Business: Rumors Cabaret

San Juan Islands of Washington State Address: P.O. Box 1330 Phone Number: 1(888)468-3701 Website: www.visitsanjuans.com
Social Media:
Twitter @visitSJIslands
Instagram & Facebook: visitsanjuans

Visit Spokane
Address: 801 W Riverside Ave. Suite 100
Phone Number: 509-624-1341
Website: visitspokane.com
Business: NYNE Bar & Bistro
Address: 232 W Sprague Ave, Spokane WA 99201
Phone Number: (509) 474-1621
Website: https://www.nynebar.com/
Social Media:
Business: The Q Lounge
Address: 228 W Sprague, Spokane WA 99201
Phone Number: Same as NYNE
Website: Same as NYNE
Social Media Accounts: Same as NYNE
Business: Globe Bar & Kitchen
Address: 204 N Division St, Spokane WA 99202
Phone Number: (509) 443-4014
Website: https://www.globespokane.com/
Social Media:
Business: The Blind Buck
Address: 204 N Division St, Ste B, Spokane WA 99202
Phone Number: (509) 443-4014
Social Media:
Business: Andy's Bar & Grill
Address: 1401 W 1st Ave, Spokane WA 99201
Phone Number: (509) 747-0304
Website: N/A
Social Media:

Whidbey and Camano Islands, in Washington state
Address: Island County, Washington.
Website: www.whidbeycamanoislands.com
Social Media: @GoWhidbeyCamano
Business: Cama Beach
Website: www.camabeachcafe.com
Business: Cook on Clay
Business: LGBTQ artist, Kay Parsons of Looking Glass Cottage Studio
Business: Meet Market
Website: https://www.meetmarket.org/
Business: Whidwood B&B
Website: https://www.whidwood.com/

Discover Green Bay
Address: 1241 Lombardi Access Rd Suite D, Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone: 920-494-9507
Website: https://www.greenbay.com
Social Media:
Business: Napalese Lounge & Grille
Address: 1351 Cedar Street, Green Bay
Phone Number: 920-432-9646
Website: https://www.napalese.com/
Social Media:
FB: @napalese
IG: @napalese
Business: Mint Salon
Address: 1236 Main Street, Green Bay
Phone Number: 920-288-1250
Social Media:
Business: The Roundabout
Address: 1264 Main Street, Green Bay
Phone Number: 920-544-9544
Website: https://the-roundabout-bar.edan.io/
Social Media:
FB: @theroundabout
Business: XS NightClub
Address: 1106 Main Street, Green Bay
Phone Number: 920-351-3024
Social Media:
FB: xsnightclub
Business: Lambeau Field
Address: 1265 Lombardi Ave, Green Bay
Phone Number: 920-569-7500
Website: https://www.packers.com/
Social Media:
FB: @packers
IG: @packers

Destination Madison Destination/Business: Destination Madison
Address: 22 E Mifflin St., Ste. 200
Phone Number: 6084412626
Website: www.visitmadison.com
Social Media:
Business: Daisy Café and Cupcakery
Address: 2827 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI 53704 Phone Number: (608) 241-2200
Social Media: @daisycafemadison
Business: The Old Fashioned
Address: 23 N Pinckney St #1, Madison, WI 53703 Phone Number: (608) 310-4545
Website: http://www.theoldfashioned.com/
Social Media: @theoldfashionedmadison
Business: Woof's
Address: 114 King St, Madison, WI 53703
Phone Number: (608) 204-6222
Website: http://www.madwoofs.com/
Social Media: @woofs_madison
Business: Mystery To Me
Address: 1863 Monroe St, Madison, WI 53711 Phone Number: (608) 283-9332
Website: https://www.mysterytomebooks.com/
Social Media: @mysterytomebooks
Business: Mala Yoga
Address: 5734 Monona Dr, Monona, WI 53716 Phone Number: (608) 572-4831
Website: malayogacenter.com
Social Media Accounts: @malayogacenter
Business: WDP Productions
Website: https://wdbproductions.com/

Visit Milwaukee
Address: 648 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 220, Milwaukee, WI
Phone: 414-273-3950
Website: https://www.visitmilwaukee.org/
Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visitmilwaukee/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/visitmilwaukee
Twitter: https://twitter.com/visitmilwaukee

Casper, Wyoming (Visit Casper)
Address: 139 W 2nd Street Casper, WY 82601 Unit #1B
Phone Number: 307-234-5362
Website: visitcasper.com
Social Media:
Insta: @visit.casper - instagram.com/visit.casper
Facebook: Visit Casper - facebook.com/visitcasper
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/visitcasper